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6.5.3 Commonly used methods

  1. You add plot objects (bar plots, pie plots, texts, bands, lines etc) with the 'Graph::Add() method.
  2. Each graph can have a specified margin set by 'Graph::SetMargin()'
  3. Each graph can have a fill color in the plot area 'Graph::SetColor()'
  4. The plot areas may have a box around it 'Graph::SetBox()'
  5. Each graph can have a specified margin color 'Graph::SetMarginColor()'
  6. Each graph can have a frame or not 'Graph::SetFrame()'
  7. Each graph can have a specified drop shadow 'Graph::SetShadow()'
  8. The grid lines can be either behind or in front of the plots 'Graph::SetGridDepth()'
  9. The plot can be rotated an arbitrary angle with 'Graph::SetAngle()'
  10. You can add a background image with 'Graph::SetBackgroundImage'
  11. You can change the overall appearance of the axis with 'Graph::SetAxisStyle'

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